"Last Day will not come to us smpai Arab plains once again concentrated in the plains brpadang grass and filled with rivers" (HR. Muslim)
SOMETHING strange that trjadi Wednesday (09/01/2013) in Saudi Arabia. Worldbulletin mnurunkan Tabuk news that one of the locations that trjadi war in time of the Prophet washed sngat heavy snowfall, after a few hours that sngat devastating storm hit.
As is known, Saudi Arabia is a desert region that sngat panas..Matahari brsinar spanjang hari..Turunnya snow mnjadi a natural phenomenon that is rare.
Tabuk population and also people who come from other regions mnikmati snowfall rareness trjadi itu..Jalan-road especially distinguished mnuju Mount Alluz met by motor vehicles.
The roads that mngarah to the desert and mountains in Tabuk crammed with vehicles from the direction of the city Haql and Bada..Hujan down in sjumlah cities in Saudi today Rabu..Tabuk located about 1500 km from Riyad (the capital of Saudi Arabia).
Actually this is not the first time it snowed in Tabuk. Several years ago, .Tabuk also prnah mncapai covered in snow with a thickness of 20 cm.
Indeed, this world is old smakin renta..Di added again with the attitude of humans who continue aja fro mnyebarkan damage. Shingga with the phenomenon of snowfall and mnghijau-desert on the Arabian Peninsula that trjadi mnjadi sbuah clincher warning from the Almighty that humans quickly brtobat and return to live with true mnjalani.
It had snowed in the plains of Saudi sbagai one 10 marks the Day of Judgment, .sbagaimana reported by Arab TV Saudi..Rabu (09/01/2013)
Saudi Arabia which is a desert region where the sun's heat that sngat brsinar spanjang day, has trjadi a natural phenomenon that is rare (not brarti prnah not at all), ie with snowfall with lebatnya..Tepatnya in Tabuk area 1500 km from Riyad (Capital Saudi Arabia) with a thickness of 20 cm of snow mncapai, and in Jordan mncapai freezing temperatures (0 degrees Celsius).
It turns out these last years in the Arabian Peninsula who notabenenya gurus hot sand, snow has been frequently trjadi, ttapi it is covered up or not widely publicized in order not trjadi SCARA panic disaster.
What's going on with trjadinya natural phenomena trsebut ..?
For Muslims who have mmahami teachings of Islam, snowfall in Saudi Arabia is not a strange thing, .karna this has been explained by the Prophet Muhammad 1400 years ago.
When the companions of the Prophet mngenai mnanyakan when the coming days kiamat..Rasulullah SAW mnjawab, .bahwa pngetahuan mngenai coming of the Hour hnya with Allah SWT.
But Allah has mmberitahukan the signs to the Prophet Muhammad, .. among others sbagaimana described in one Hadith:
"Last Day will not come to us smpai Arab plains once again concentrated in the plains brpadang grass and filled with rivers" (HR. Muslim)
From the above Hadith Rasulallah SAW there are some who gained information:
Yore plain / Arabian peninsula prnah mnjadi fertile pastures and filled with river-sungai..Nanti, Arab plains once again be concentrated in the prairie and filled with rivers, sbagai one sign of the coming doomsday.
Long ago before trjadinya snow in Saudi Arabia today sbagaimana reported above, scientists from King Abdul Aziz University (Saudi Arabia) in collaboration with scientists western and mncanegara has conducted scientific research mngenai natural phenomena which are explained in Al -Quran and Al-Hadist..Salah only mngkaji mngenai above Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad.
This study among others brsama with an orientalist, Professor Alfred Kroner, an earth sciences (geology) trkemuka world, from the Department of Earth Sciences, Institute of Geosciences, Johannes Gutenburg University, Mainz, Germany.
When asked to Prof.Korner by scientists King Abdul Aziz, described in terms of Islam and Science. 25-26:
How the Prophet Muhammad could mngetahui that ancient peninsula / Saudi grassland plains fertile and filled rivers that flow ..?
whether the state of Arab fertile plains of yore it can be proved scientifically SCARA at the time of the Prophet Muhammad lived 1400 years ago ..?
Is it really trjadi and provable scientific SCARA with advanced technology nowadays ...?
Prof. Korner mnjawab yes! ... First Arab plains filled with fertile orchards and Sunga-a river that mngalir and scientific SCARA trsebut circumstances can dibuktikan..Prof Korner mnjelaskan that advance during the Era of Snow (Snow Age), .. then Pole prlahan icebergs north-south land brgerak shingga relatively brdekatan with the Arabian Peninsula, at the time of the Arab plateau climate change and concentrated in one area that most lush and green in advance bumi..Ini is a scientific fact that can not be denied.
how the Prophet Muhammad can mngetahui also that once again the plain Arabic will be concentrated in the area fertile filled with orchards and rivers sbagai sign of the coming Day of Judgment, when at that time 1400 years ago the technology is not yet mmungkinkan For mngetahui it trsebut and information trsebut none not explained either in the books trdahulu and in research by scientists Rome ..?
Prof. Korner mnjawab coyly .. Prophet Muhammad can mngetahui the information must of ssuatu who mngetahui mngenai true nature (only Prof. Korner mngelak For SCARA mngatakan frankly that in fact the information is from the Lord, the Almighty who know the most about this natural, because he was the one who had mnciptakan and mngaturnya).
and whether the information which is rumored to Prophet Muhammad in 1400 ago that once again it will be concentrated in the Arab plains fertile area filled with orchards and rivers will actually trjadi ..?
Prof. Korner mnjawab is unequivocally yes! ... Because sbenarnya process was now being trjadi ... Snow New Era (New Snow Age) has actually begun, once again now snow at the North Pole were crawling / brgeser slowly to the south of the Arabian Peninsula mndekati ... it can be proved with facts and science, where signs were nmpak palpably in the storm snowfall mnghujani northern parts of Europe and America every winter.
And now evident that the snow often fell on the plains Arab Emirates Saudi..Bahkan sbagaimana TV reported today in the Sahara desert have also started a phenomenon mnunjukkan mngagumkan where desert green kmbali trsebut has begun with the growth of the grass.
The above incident is proof that Allah SWT has promised that His Word which is delivered in Al-Qur`an to Prophet Muhammad and Al-Hadith is truly coming from God the creator of this universe, that is God Almighty.
Sebagaiman words of Allah:
"The Qur'an is nothing hnyalah warning for all creatures. And ssungguhnyakamu will mngetahui (the truth of) the news of the Koran after some time again "(QS. Shad 38: 87-88)
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O my brother, let alone that they mnghalangimu For mngagungkan Allah ..?
Wasnt with snowfall in the medina and the Sahara Desert that began mnghijau kmbali mmbuatmu not aware ..?
What still wrote mnjadi pnghalangmu continue mmperbaiki For myself, because that opportunity does not come ... For the second time in this world should be a lot mmpersiapkan provision For the life hereafter later ...
may be useful...
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