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A number of Saudi Prince Blurred,due to bankruptcy

Bankrupt Saudi Arabia, Prince Blur Bring Some Lari Wealth
Political observers suspect that efforts ay the fine reply Yemeni soldiers for crimes Saudi Arabia in Yemen is a major factor in the massive exodus of the Saudi princes.

Bankrupt Saudi Arabia, Saudi Prince Some Blurry

Islam-Institute, RIYADH - The billionaire Saudi Arabia, including the royal family are now abuzz leave the kingdom which is now in the national economic crisis. Crisis Saudi Arabia hit by the unrest after the oil-rich kingdom, which is the closest ally of America in the Middle East region, declared illegal military aggression to neighboring poor countries, Yemen.

Bankrupt Saudi Arabia, Saudi Prince Some Blurry

Bankrupt Saudi Arabia, Saudi Prince Some Blurry

Raja Salman Al-Saud who was around 70 yearly, after ascending the throne, adopting domestic and foreign policy were inconsequential, such as giving excessive power to the ambitious son, Muhammad bin Salman, as a representative of the crown prince and defense minister. With the position he had to revamp brutal in almost all key government positions.

According to local sources, the dispute between members of the royal family who are not satisfied with the actions of the king and the crown prince, the king of totalitarian parties, has reached its climax. Family disputes was like a volcano that is in the idle position. According to observers, discontent among them plus social frustration ready to explode at any time in Saudi Arabia.

In these tense conditions of the princes who fear began to flee to Western countries, mainly to France and the UK. Under various pretexts, they leave the kingdom of Saudi Arabia is being caught up in a bloody war against a foreign nation, the fragile security situation and the economic conditions are in total disarray really make Saudi Arabia on the verge of major bankruptcies.

Meanwhile, faced with hundreds of fugitive Saudi princes who attract a large amount of cash from the central bank of the kingdom, Saudi officials are trying to impede the flow of massive capital continues to flow out of the country, to introduce measures certain monetary restrictions.

The restrictive measures include a ban on remittances abroad if it is worth more than $ 500,000 per month for every citizen. And can only be possible if the person buying a property abroad and after providing official documents related to it. This resulted in the many cases which show that Saudi princes are desperate then falsified documents to purchase real estate transfer their assets to the European countries where they live now.

Political observers suspect that efforts ay the fine reply Yemeni soldiers for crimes Saudi Arabia in Yemen is a major factor in the massive exodus of the Saudi princes. (AL / ARM / RM / NilenetOnline)

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