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Philippine Official 'divorced' from the US

On Thursday, October 20th yesterday, the President of the Philippines, Rodrigo Duterte, officially announced the separation with the United States (US). On the other hand, he said it has agreed with China to resolve the South China Sea dispute through negotiations.

As reported by Reuters on Friday (10.21.16), Duterte's statement delivered in the presence of at least 200 businessmen from China. The meeting, according to him, is done for the sake of opening what he called a new trade alliance.

"On this occasion, I am announcing the breakup of the United States. Both in the military and also economic. Maybe not socially. America has been lost," said the President of the Philippines, in the presence of businesspeople who also attended by Vice Premier Zhang Gaoli.

Duterte efforts to move closer to China came after many months ago the Court of Arbitration in The Hague, Netherlands, ruled that Beijing does not have the right by history in the South China Sea. The case of the Chinese claim over the disputed territory was filed by the predecessor Duterte, Beniqno Aquino III.

Duterte who chose China policy than the US as an ally marks a significant change in the foreign policy of the Philippines.

Meanwhile, Philippine Trade Secretary, Ramon Lopez, said it in a trip to China, the two countries have signed business deals worth US $ 13.5 billion.

"I've had to adjust the flow of your ideology. Maybe I'll go to Russia to talk with President Vladimir Putin and said that the three of us would be against the world - China, the Philippines, and Russia. It's the only way," said Duterte ,

Duterte statement it would "hit" Uncle Sam considering that President Barack Obama viewed Manila as an important ally in the "balance" of power in Asia amid growing Chinese influence.

Earlier, the US has had an agreement with the former president Aquino to give Washington access to military bases Philippines.

Greeted with Meriah

The arrival of the number one in the Philippines was commented on by the State Department. They say 'confused' with Duterte statement and will soon ask for an explanation of Daniel Russel, the top US diplomat for East Asian and Pacific affairs.

Russell is scheduled to visit Manila this weekend.

"We will be seeking an explanation of what the President about parting with the United States. For us, that is not clear," said a spokeswoman for the US State Department, John Kirby.

Neither State Department nor the White House described Duterte comment is contrary to the long held alliance between the two countries. However, no matter how Washington would welcome a close Philippine-Chinese relations.

Duterte walking together with Xi Jinping in the second meeting in Beijing, China

"US-Philippine alliance had built up over 70 years, there are people to people relations are close and a series of security cooperation," said a White House spokesman, Eric Schultz.

A few hours after the controversial speech Duterte, Philippine economic officials released a statement that when the integration of the Asian economy "slowed down" does not mean the Philippines will be closer to the West.

"We will maintain relations with the West, but we want a strong integration with the neighbors. We share a culture and a better understanding of the region," said Minister of Economy of the Philippines, Carlos Dominguez, and Minister of Economic Planning, Ernesto Pernia, a joint press conference ,

Duterte to China's arrival was greeted with a festive welcoming ceremony at the Great Hall of the People where there marching band into a complete composition. It is very rarely seen in most of the head of state visit to China.

President Xi Jinping called the meeting with Duterte as a "milestone" in the bilateral relations. He affirmed that China and the Philippines are brothers and they "can handle the disputes" - without mentioning the South China Sea.

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