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British exit from the EU: Here are some things you need to know

British exit from the EU: Here are some things you need to know

Britain opted out of the European Union following a referendum with results split 52% for and 48% remain joined.
Is the British exit from the EU after 43 years will pave the way breaking up the United Kingdom?
That was one of a number of questions that arise from Facebook BBC Indonesia concerning Brexit, Britain Exit, or the release of the UK.
Tagar and words Brexit, the United Kingdom and the European Union on the popular Twitter Indonesia after the referendum results came out.

Special report British exit from the EU
Prime Minister David Cameron retreat
Tagar #Brexit alluded to more than 3.5 million times and are popular in other countries as well.

Here are some things you need to know about this European Union referendum.

Does the release of the UK will make Britain split?

Comments from Facebook BBC Indonesia on Brexit including Axel Lenzun who wrote, "The beginning of fragmenting United Baya?" and Rifqia Sandra Nastiti, "could be the beginning Wahhhh United Kingdom disintegrated dong ya."
Great Britain consists of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Chief Minister of Scotland Nicola Sturgeon said the results of this referendum "democratically unacceptable" because Scotland chose to stay join the European Union.
Sturgeon said second independence referendum "very likely" be implemented.
Two former British prime minister, Sir John Major and Tony Blair early June warned that the exit from the European Union "would damage the unity of" Britainia Kingdom.

What does it mean for Northern Ireland?
Deputy Chief Minister Martin McGuinness said the impact on Northern Ireland "will be very deep" and the whole of Ireland should be able to choose reunification. But Chief Minister Arlene Foster said this would not happen.

What just happened?
The referendum held on June 23, is to decide on whether to go out or stay in the European Union. Who opt out or called Brexit reached 52% while still 48%.
Those who use their right to vote reached 71.8% with more than 30 million people who voted, the highest number since the election in 1992.
Territory that opt out and still join?
England chose Brexit with 53.4% -46.6% figure as well as Wales. Scotland and Northern Ireland chose to remain with the European Union.

Is the European Union?
One of the other questions that arise through social media BBC Indonesia from Maulana Canvill who asked about the EU.
The European Union is a political and economic partnership with 28 member countries. The organization began after World War II to boost economic cooperation, with the hope of countries that trading partners would avoid war with each other.
The European Union develops into a "single market" so that goods and people can move freely.
The organization also has a single currency, the euro, which is used by 19 member states, the Parliament itself with a number of regulations, including the environment, transport, consumer rights to charge the phone.

Has there ever been another member country that comes out of the EU?

There has never been out before member states. But Greenland, a region of Denmark abroad, held a referendum in 1982 after gaining more autonomy and picking out the results of 52% and 48% remain joined.

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