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Pakistan and Israel Threatened Because of Nuclear War Fake News

Pakistan and Israel engaged threatened nuclear war because of false rumors that call Tel Aviv would launch a nuclear attack to Islamabad if Pakistan send troops to Syria. Because of the false news, Pakistani Defence Minister Khawaja Muhammad Asif behind threatening to launch a nuclear attack to Israel.

Israel and Pakistan threatened nuclear war because of false news. News that mention Israel would attack Pakistan with nuclear weapons if send troops to Syria.

Threats Asif him snapping on Twitter last weekend. Minister of Pakistan was affected by the false news published AWD sites. The news mentions that Moshe Ya'alon, the Israeli defense minister, would use nuclear weapons to attack Pakistan if the Islamic nation to send troops to Syria.

"As far as we are concerned for the threats, if they arrive in Syria, we'll know what to do. We will crush them with a nuclear attack, "wrote AWD which claims exclusive interviews with Ya'alon.

The news was false indications with two powerful analysis. First, Ya'alon is no longer served as Israel's defense minister since May. Second, the Israeli Defense Ministry confirmed that Ya'alon had never made a comment like that.

AWD sites themselves can not explain, whether Ya'alon was quoted as "the Israeli defense minister" or "former Defense Minister of Israel".

But, because of the news, Asif inflamed. He said Israel would regret about the threat of nuclear attack. Israeli Defense Ministry, as reported by Russia Today, last night (26/12/2016), said Asif statements based on false information.

Israel and Pakistan are both countries with nuclear power, though often kept secret. Israel is thought to have atomic bombs since the 1960s, though never openly admit it.

While Pakistan is known to develop nuclear weapons to respond to a potential attack from India. Asif in September confirmed ownership of Pakistan's nuclear arsenal when tensions with India.

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