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Understanding American Education System

American education system offers many options for international students. When you start a search, the student may be overwhelmed in selecting a university that will be addressed, what programs are selected, as well as the location. Therefore, it is important to know the educational system in America. An understanding of this system will help you to narrow down the choices of study and build your study plan.

Education structure


To continue to pursue higher education, US students entering primary and secondary schools within 12 years. These years are called as the grade (class) from 1 to 12. Around the age of 6 years, children U.S. start primary school, which is referred to as "elementary school (elementary school)." They enter elementary school for five or six years and then continued with the secondary school.

Secondary school consists of two programs: The first program is the "middle school (high school)" or "junior high school (junior high school)" and the second program is "high school (high school)." Students get a diploma or a certificate after graduating from high school. After graduating high school (grade 12), student U.S. can continue to college (college 2 years) or university. College or university known as "higher education (higher education)."


Like most American students, you must submit academic transcripts as part of the application for admission to a university or college. Academic transcripts eligible is the official statement of the value of your academic. In the US, academic transcripts including "grade (value)" and "Grade Point Average (GPA) / Index Point Average (GPA), which is a measure of academic achievement you. The subjects are usually assessed by using a percentage, which will be converted into assessment letters.

The scoring system and GPA in the U.S. can be confusing, especially for international students. Interpretation of assessment has a lot of variety. For example, two students entered different schools send their transcripts to the same university. They both have a GPA of 3.5, but the first students entering high school are mediocre, while the second entered high school students who excel. The University may interpret them differently GPA for both schools have dramatic differences in standards.

You should seek information about ratings U.S. commensurate with the last level of education you have completed in your home country.
Give more attention to the requirements of admission of each university and college, as well as individual graduate courses, which may have different requirements of the university.
Face to face regularly with education adviser or counselor to determine whether you meet all the requirements.
Education adviser or counselor can provide guidance to decide if you have to spend extra time as much as one or two years to prepare for university or college admission U.S. in meeting the requirements to enter university in their home country, several government agencies and companies are not familiar with the U.S. education

Academic year

Calendar lectures usually begin in August or September and continued until May or June. Most new students start in the fall, so we encourage international students also start at the same time. The early days of the course, is a moment of fun for students. Is a moment where you will find new friends, which are all still in the adjustment to a new phase in their academic life. Most eyes lecture is designed for students to be taken in sequence, starting from the autumn and then continued throughout the year.

The academic year consists of two terms is referred to as "half." (Some colleges use the three-term calendar known as the "trimester"). Some of them use the quarter system of four terms, including summer sessions choice. Basically, you do not count the summer session, the academic year consists of two semesters or three quarters term.

Higher Education System U.S .: Level of Education

First Level: Undergraduate (S1)

Students who enter college or university and earn a bachelor degree (S1), studied at the undergraduate level. It takes an average of four years to earn a bachelor's degree. You can start an education to pursue a bachelor's degree at a community college (college 2 years) or university or college quadruple mass 4-year study.

In the first two years, you will be required to take classes in different subjects, known as the prerequisite subjects: literature, science, social science, art, history, and so forth. This will help you in getting knowledge in general, as a base to specialize in specific areas of study.

Many students choose a community college to complete the first two years of prerequisite subjects. They will obtain a transfer degree Associate of Arts (AA) and can then transfer to a university or college quadruple mass 4-year study.

"Major (department)" is a specific field of study in which study you will be redirected. For example, if someone is a journalism major, they will earn a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism (Bachelor of Arts in Journalism). You will be required to take several courses in this field to meet the requirements of obtaining a degree in that major. You have to choose your major at the beginning of the 3rd year.

American education system has a very unique character that you can change your major more than once. It is natural for American college students to change majors because they are superior or more interested in a particular field at a time in their undergraduate studies. Although the American education system is very flexible, it should be noted that the replacement of their major may have to take the course again, which means it will take time and cost a lot more.

Second level: Graduate (Masters) to pursue a Master's Degree (S2)

Currently, the college or university graduates with a bachelor's degree should think seriously about graduate education to enter specific professions or to improve their careers. This degree is usually mandatory for a higher position in library science, engineering, behavioral health (behavioral health) and education.

Furthermore, international students from some countries are only allowed to study abroad in graduate level. You should investigate credentials needs to get a job in your country before applying to university postgraduate (S3) in the U.S.

Graduate program is usually a division of a university or college. To add to the occasion in the admission, you need to take the GRE (Graduate Test Values). Some of the master's program requires that a value tertetntu, such as LSAT for law, GRE or GMAT for business, and MCAT unt

Third level: Graduate (Masters) to pursue a Doctorate degree (Doctoral / S3)

Attainment of a master's degree is the first step to obtain a PhD (doctoral). In some universities, students can enter doctoral degree without obtaining a master's degree. PhD degree can be obtained within three years or more. For international students, it could take five or six years.

In the first two years, the majority of doctoral candidates register for classes and seminars. At least for one year is spent to research and write a thesis or dissertation which consists of a view, plan, or research that has never been published.

Doctoral dissertation was a discussion and conclusion of the given topic. Most universities have doctoral programs also require their candidates to have the ability to read in two foreign languages, to spend the time required "in residence (the residence)," to pass the tests given to candidates to the PhD program, and to pass the test oral in the same topic as the dissertation.

Karaktetistik U.S. Higher Education System


"One of the challenges is how to you to sign up for classes and build a plan academic. I really did not know what to study because I can choose a lot of programs. I met with Angela Khoo (Counselor Academic) of classes I can take and everything will be much easier for me. "

The classes range from a large class, followed by several hundred students to grade-smaller classes and seminars (discussion) followed by some students only. Classrooms at an American university has a dynamic atmosphere. You are expected to share and defend your opinions, participate in class discussions and give presentations. International students consider this as one of the surprising aspects in the American education system.

Every week, professors provide textbooks and materials to read. You are expected to keep up-to-date so that you can participate in discussions in class and understand the lessons given. Some of the specific program also requires students to spend time in the laboratory.

The professors give values for each student to follow the course. These values are usually based on:

Each professor has a different class participation requirements, but students are expected to participate in discussions, especially in seminar classes. Often this is a very important factor in determining value.
Midterm exam is usually given within hours of lectures.
One of the few studies or laboratory reports must be sent for evaluation.
A short exam or quiz. Once upon a time the professor will give a "test of a sudden." This sudden exam is not a big impact in the calculation of the value, but it aims to inspire students to not be left behind in the tasks given and their presence.
Final exam will be held after the last class meeting.


Each course has a particular credit values. These figures have in common with the amount of time spent in the classroom for the course every week. The courses usually have three to five credit score.

Full-time program in most universities amounted to 12 or 15 credits (four or five courses per term) and a certain number of courses to be taken as a requirement for graduation. International students are expected to enroll in the program full-time each term.


If students apply to the new university before getting a degree, any credits earned can be used to obtain a degree in the new university. This means that students can transfer to another university and graduated in the same time.


1. Universities or Universities
Universities are supported and run by state or local governments. Each of the 50 U.S. states has at least one state university and several colleges of the country. Many of the country's universities have the name of the state, or the word "state (state)" in the name of their college: for example, Washington State University and the University of Michigan.

2. Universities or Colleges
The college is run privately. Tuition fees are usually higher than public universities. Often, universities and private colleges U.S. smaller than public universities.

Universities and colleges that deal with religion is a private college. The college accepts students of different religions and beliefs. But there was a fraction more college students expect to receive the same belief.

3. Community College (College Two Years)
Community colleges are two-year college that provides associate degree (diploma) that can be transferred, as well as certification. There are many types of associate's degree, but the distinguishing factor is whether the title can be transferred or not. Typically, there are two primary degree pathways: one for academic transfer and the other to prepare students get jobs directly. Transferable university degree generally associate of arts (arts diploma) or associate of science (science diploma). Which can not be transferred is the associate of applied science degree (diploma science applications) and certificates of completion (graduation certificate).

Community college graduates in general studies quadruple mass transfer to college or four-year university to obtain a degree. Because they can transfer the credits which were completed at a community college, they can complete their bachelor's degree within two years or more. Many also offer ESL or intensive English program, which will prepare students for university-level courses.

If you do not plan to obtain a higher degree of associate, you have to find out whether an associate degree would be useful to find a job in your home country.

4. Institute of Technology (Institute of Technology)
Institute of Technology is a college that provides science and technology education for at least four years. Some have graduate programs, others offer short-term courses.

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