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According to reports Henry Kissinger and the 16 US intelligence agencies assert that "Israel" will not go there again in the near future. The newspaper "New York Post" quotes from Kissinger who said that "In the next ten years there will be no more Israel." He asserted that in 2022 "Israel" has no aka no longer on the world map. In fact, this opinion was agreed by US intelligence agencies, in which 16 US intelligence agencies issued a thick analysis of 82 pages, with a combined budget of more than seventy billion dollars. An analysis of the report entitled: "Preparing for the Middle East without Israel". 16 intelligence agencies was stressed that "Israel" will not be able to hold the supporters of the Palestinians, which will produce the Arab Spring and the rise of Islam. tp: //

First, that people who closely follow the movement of the Jewish state lately, which resembles the movement of people who are deman that Jews are very worried about the future, mainly due to changes in the Middle East, especially those notes will be the spring of Islam, which began with the Arab spring. Therefore, the Jewish state was so worried that Syrian chemical weapons will fall into the hands of people who are sincere of people. Therefore he builds a wall on the border between Syria, Egypt and Jordan occupied the West Bank since 1948. All of this is proof that it is not just because they've been on the tip of horn destruction of fate, namely the disappearance of their country that are appropriate to be destroyed.
Second, can not every other country built on sincerity and strength of faith will stand in an area, but will hide the alarm to eliminate the Jewish state. If God ordained that the Khilafah state will erect in Syria, or earlier in Egypt, or in other Islamic countries, then the first-the first to be conducted by this country is to eliminate the Jewish state, because it is obliged syar'iy for him, as the international situation allows for the Khilafah state to do so. The Jewish state has been isolated in the world because of his rebellion against international law, harassment of human rights (human rights), and various types of crimes being done, so there is no longer a friend who defend him except to the extent utilized to serve the interests of others. As a consequence, it is an attack against the people of this country, and the desire of people to tear it until soft, then it was a necessity that can not be avoided anymore.
Third, the prediction of the Jews, Kissinger will be the disappearance of the Jewish state in the near future, not something that is far from the knowledge that the United States and Western countries are parties to the first that will not give aid to the Jewish state. This prediction is contrary to the policy announced by any Western politician who ran for the target position in the government in many Western countries. For example, what has become a habit of the US presidential candidates, as well as the UK, Germany, France and NATO countries in general. In this case, although Kissinger very aware of that, but he predicts will be the disappearance of the Jewish state, and asked the West as the first party to release it, so it is easy to eliminate it in the hands of state-Khilafah that, God willing-will erect in the near future.
Fourth, it has become a political axiom in the world that would protect the "Jewish" state, as well as American and Western interests in the Middle East are regimes pinned on the chest of the Muslims in the Islamic world. So it is not true that the West, led by America, is that going to protect these regimes and its importance in the Islamic world. So that the disappearance of these regimes, or one of them, and then establish the Khilafah instead, then the United States and Western countries will not be able to defend his stepson "Israel" and its importance. It is therefore not surprising that these countries conspired with surrogates in countries facing spring. They will continue to fight against the people who demanded the revolution to the bitter end, so that the strength of the revolution is no longer able to breathe. Therefore, the state-negaratersebut know that the disappearance of these regimes means vital threat to its interests in the Middle East region, including the Jewish entity. That any Western countries will not be crying over the corpse's henchmen, even they do not care to give their help to rescue his influence. But Kissinger and 16 intelligence agencies predict when the world, including the Western world free of capitalist rulers and greedy, which is a parasite of the people, including to the West. Thus, although he predicts the disappearance of the Jewish state in the hands of those who will be born from the spring of Islam, it is no doubt that he was aware that the rulers of Islamic countries will not stop just to save the Muslim community of the tyrants stooges of the West, but Khikafah will be a helper the world community, including in the West, to free him from the injustice of capitalism and replace it with Islamic justice. Allah says: "Verily the torment they looked away (impossible). We're looking at close (may be). "(TQS. Al-Ma'arij [70]: 6-7). [Abu Amr].
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