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Political Analysis: If the Caliphate stood in Syria

Many are convinced that if the caliphate upright in Syria it will not last long. Because of the way the day before the US-led coalition forces to the mother ship, Russia with its mother ship, too, is now in the waters of Syria (see: Moreover, NATO, Germany, the Netherlands, and the US has been preparing patriotnya missiles on the border of Turkey and Syria (see:

It should be noted that the Muslim caliphate at the time later is more powerful than the author, so any writer pour in this paper merely reading the analysis of the current situation, and also the history of Islam in Syria.
Slowly but surely, the Mujahideen in Syria had taken control of large parts of Syria, thus increasing the power of Bashar Assad increasingly losing ground and prevented him from sleeping soundly. Each time, he and his family were forced to move the bed (see: Not only Bechar, the US and its allies can not sleep soundly, including puppet rulers in the Middle East. This is what makes them work hard day and night to abort the Islamic revolution in Syria, in order to thwart the desires of the Khilafah. Jik a fail, then the US and its allies are already preparing for the scenario of "Crusade".

Currently the US aircraft carrier USS Eisenhower is reported to have docked in the Syrian waters, in the Mediterranean sea. US warship was carrying eight squadrons of fighter jets and 8,000 troops. US aircraft carrier's delivery following the NATO decision on 4/12/2012 to deploy Patriot missile systems along Turkey's border with Syria (see: Even much earlier, in July 2012 Russian warships already in convoy in the waters of Syria (see: Russia has also sent its carrier, Kuznetsov to Syria (see:
All this shows how extraordinary their fear of the establishment of the caliphate in Syria. If they can not thwart the establishment of a caliphate in Syria, they were ready to storm new caliphate stand it from different directions.
Muslims in Syria can not be separated from the parent Muslims in Syria, because they are one. They called Sham ar-Rasul, the region known as Syafwa Biladillah.Keteguhan they have been declared by the Prophet in the hadith, even they have been guaranteed and protected by God, through the tongue of His Prophet. The Prophet said, "Idza fasada Ahlu as-Sham la Khaira fikum (If a resident has damaged Sham then there is no goodness in the midst of you)." (HR. Ahmad, at-Tirmidhi and Ibn Hibban).

Sham region: Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Palestine, Iraq.
In the past this region was freed by Abu Ubaidah al-Jarrah and Khalid ibn al-Walid in the year 14 AH / 637 AD during the Caliphate of Umar ibn al-Khatthab. Once the capital of the Caliphate in the 40-132 H / 661-750 AD From here, Muhammad ibn al-Qasim at-Thaqafi free India; Qutaibah bin Muslim al-Bahili freeing Samarkand; Tariq ibn Ziyad and Musa ibn Nushair liberate Spain; Maslamah bin Abdul Malik besieging Constantinople. Everything in the era of the Umayyad Caliphate.
When the Crusades, the region was overrun by the Crusaders, and freed again by forces az-Zinki Din and Saladin, and then reassembled in the arms of the caliphate. After the era of the Ottoman Caliphate, the region joined the caliphate years 1516-1918 AD, to fall into the hands of France in 1920 AD
The specialty of the Syrian Muslim population, as part of the Ahl as-Sham, which is stated in a hadith of the Prophet above can be proved in the history of the struggle of the Palestinian people who never dies, since the beginning of the Israeli occupation in 1948 until today. Now picture it also looks at the struggle of the Syrian Mujahideen, which had entered 28 months of their resistance to topple the regime of Bashar Assad Kufr, la'natullah. In addition, the blood of the great companions, Abu Ubaidah, Khalid ibn al-Walid and others, as well as the blood of noble knights, like Saladin and others also flow through them. Muslim fighters Syria and Palestine today are grandchildren Khalid bin al-Walid; grandchildren Abu Ubaidah al-Jarrah; grandchildren Saladin, and their noble knights. However, the history of it is covered by the regime's oppression Kufr implanted in their midst by the infidel invaders.

Therefore, Muslims in Syria, as in Palestine, Jordan and Lebanon have the potential for strong and rooted in their bodies bloody noble friends and noble knights in the past. This potential, coupled with the potential for a strong faith in themselves, become a solid foundation for the caliphate there. Therefore, even though the physical and material, currently the region ravaged by war, but with the potential they have, the faster the damage will be irreversible. In fact, the damage does not preclude the region to be the capital of the caliphate back.
With potential like this, the basic requirements for the establishment of a caliphate in the region can be met. Just how caliphate maintain its power from the onslaught of enemies who are now ready to welcome the next Crusade? Judging from a map of the area, currently, the US, Russia, and its allies had parked the mother ship in the waters of Syria, bordered by Lebanon. On the Lebanese side, there is Jordan. Beside it again there is Iraq, bordering Turkey.
With these conditions, which can be done by the caliphate, of course not possible against the power of the US, Russia and allies itself, especially the rulers around him are the US and British agents. Thus, the caliphate could unite Jordan and Lebanon first. You do this by leveraging the power and influence of Muslims in the region. When Syria, Jordan and Lebanon managed to put together, it is not impossible to Iraq, Turkey, Egypt, and Pakistan also. Khilafah will also call upon all Muslims around the world to immediately join the caliphate, giving tha'at allegiance to him. After that, they must work together to provide the assistance needed by the caliphate to fight his enemies. Because of this caliphate is their country.
If this happens, then it will repeat the Crusades events Ahzab War, troops Muslims led by the Prophet when it was surrounded by coalition forces consisting of Quraish, Jews and hypocrites. Exactly the same as it is today. The US, Russia and its allies such as the Quraish at that time, while Jews, since 1948 has been invested in the region, and the
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