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Stories of an English mother who secretly become sex workers

Research in the UK shows that women working as sex workers, the amount is significant.
What would happen as prostitutes while raising a child?
"I'm certainly not ashamed of what I did," said Sherri, 42 years old, from Essex.
"And I was secretly angry if I or any other woman did not recognize her profession,"
Sherri has been selling sex to men over the last two decades. He worked as a stripper, in brothels, and joined the service provider women entertainers.

However, he kept it secret from the child who was 12 years old.
The double life that he lived to be carefully planned. He told her that he worked as a receptionist theater and explain their working hours. He was never late to return for fear nanny suspicious.
"I know a lot of children turn against their parents when they find out the actual work," he explained. "I cringe when I have to face that kind of thing."

Sherri case is far from unique.
There are an estimated 72 800 sex workers in the UK and the majority are women.
The number of female sex workers, it is the mother, although more and more women are single or without children who enter the sex industry, said sociologist Professor Teela Sanders of the University of Leicester.
Advocacy group English Collective of Prostitutes stated that 'the majority of sex workers are mothers' and promote a short film and a movement of social media campaign demanding the abolition of punishment for sex workers called Make Mum Safer.
Many of the mothers decided to sell sex, the reason is simple: money.
Sherri, who support the organization of this ECP, just 20 years old when he first started working in brothels in London, he was 'shocked' with minimal salary when he became office workers.

When he was secretary, he only paid £ 15,000 per year -belum including tax- pieces but in a brothel he says could generate far more money up to £ 100 (or about 1.6 million) per night.
When she had children, she works as a female entertainer, visited the men in their homes or their hotels.
He was aware of the dangers of his job, after twice being locked by client aggressive and he also knows that there has attacked fellow draftsman.
But he now has regular clients. And he compared his work with other jobs, like being a firefighter, which he thought too dangerous.
"You assess the danger that by comparing the income and your ability."
However, not infrequently the prostitute is under attack. It is estimated that there are 152 sex workers were killed between 1990 and 2015, while there were more than 280 reports of rape compiled by the National Ugly Mugs protection scheme since 2012.
Many incidents are not reported by sex workers because they feared they would be criminalized.
For Sherri revenue is important. He was able to invite friends and their kids for dinner and had everything needed for Christmas.

"On one hand you do this because they want to support the children, but on the other hand if anyone knows my work, they will consider you as a bad mother," he said.
He claimed to have 'support' from his friends but he remained concerned about the teachers at his school will find out what his job and inform social services.
Professor Sanders said social services sometimes think children of sex workers is inherently risky.
But his research showed the mothers tend to separate their work from their children, by having two mobile phones and has clients who live far from their place of residence.
Jenny is one of them.
In a period of over 30 years of poor across the sex industry in northern England, he never brings clients to the house, which is occupied by a disabled daughter.
Jenny, who at present 60s, into prostitution when she was 'desperate' to the condition of the disabled daughter when she was only 18 months old.
Although he received support from the government, but only enough to pay for food and rent and not enough to pay the salaries of her nurses of £ 1,000 (or approximately USD 16 million) per week.
He declined to say how much he paid to get from the men she met on the street and or calls to their homes.

But he added revenue and job quite flexible.
Although Jenny 'is proud to create a safe home environment' for her daughter, she said it would be better if you can get another job, but it is impossible given his criminal record.
Committee on Internal Affairs in the British Parliament has urged the government to the abolition of the criminal for sex workers, claiming that a criminal record may prevent people like Jenny to leave the sex industry that he wrestled.
Similarly, ECP institutions hope that the politicians will see that sex workers need financial resources for their families and not convicted, as well as supporting measures such as direct cash payments to those who are trying to quit.
Department of the Interior says 'committed to protecting those who sell sex from the dangers that threaten', but will not consider amendments to existing legislation to do his own research report, which will be out in June.
Sherri optimistic that policies and attitudes will change and plan to tell her about his work when 'tendency judgment' against sex workers is reduced.
"I hope he will be proud of me, that the mother of success," he said.
The names of the women at the top changed to protect their identity.
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