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Aceh quake kills 92 lives and may increase

The death toll from the earthquake in Aceh has reached 92 lives and more were possible, as explained a member of the Presidential Office Team for Earthquake Aceh.
"The death toll will still increase because of the possibility that there are areas not reached by heavy equipment," said Ifdhal Kasim told BBC Indonesia, Rebecca Henschke.
Ifdhal -which will review events of the location directly He added that the quake also hit a densely populated area with limited heavy equipment to search for victims who may be hit by debris.
The possibility of increasing the number of casualties was previously disclosed by the spokesman BNPB Sutop Purwo Nugroho.

"The victim feared could keep rising because today there are still people trapped under collapsed buildings," said Sutopo in a press conference at the office of BNPB, Wednesday (7/12) afternoon.
Of the number of casualties was not disaggregated how many victims of adult children and parents, men and women.
While severe injuries recorded at least 73 people and 122 people suffered minor injuries
In the photo: Earthquake in Aceh Pidie Jaya, officers continue to search for victims
The death toll from the earthquake in Aceh continues to rise
An earthquake measuring 6.4 magnitude struck Aceh
Sutopo said today the main focus of search and rescue operations casualties.
He said it is not able to estimate the number of victims still buried under rubble.
He mentioned, quite a lot of people who refused to enter a temporary shelter, and prefer to return to their homes.
"Actually for damaged houses supplied refugee camps. But people often do not want to evacuation and set up tents in front of their houses," he explained

The extensive damage to houses, he said because of the many buildings that were not built to withstand earthquakes.
Sutopo said Pidie Jaya area is an area that is prone to earthquakes and are on track Samalanga sipopo earthquake fault zones located on land.
The area was once an earthquake.
"Masayrakat already experienced, so as soon as the earthquake trjadi ran to higher ground.
According to data BNPB about 62 percent of Indonesian population live in areas prone to earthquakes
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