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foreign news blog

Office of the Republican Party in North Carolina destroyed

Republican office and nearby buildings in North Carolina dicoreti damaged by fire and spray-painting a slogan against the party, police sai...

Live Rekrontruksi persecution, Fara Diba Trauma and Minta Accompanied by two brother

Twin sister of the presenter, Fadl-Fadlan claims still post-tragedy trauma they experienced persecution on Monday (12/19/2016) then. To...

National team players that Will Play in SEA Games

One agenda is to meet the national team in the 2017 SEA Games in Malaysia. Indeed, PSSI will prioritize players aged U-23 for the Indonesian...

Residents killer Dewantara police custody

Killer Tarmizi, a resident of the village of Pulo Rungkom, Dewantara subdistrict, North Aceh District, Aceh Province, were arrested by distr...


Starring Jack Dawson in the movie Titanic, Leonardo DiCaprio, is an American actor blooded Italian-German. His father was George blooded It...


Congenital syphilis is a condition in which a pregnant women suffer from syphilis but not treated during pregnancy so that syphilis is passe...

Bust Smuggling Sabu, BNN Can Award of Hong Kong

Post-disclosure of drug trafficking by the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) amounted to 862 kilograms, BNN cooperating with the police of Hon...

Iraqi PM: We Need to Clean 3 Months Longer ISIS

Iraqi Prime Minister Haider Abadi said it needs at least three more months to make a clean Iraq from ISIS. Iraq, which helped US-led coaliti...

Israel Stop Working Relationships with 12 countries supporting UN Resolution

The Israeli Foreign Ministry reportedly suspended all working relationships with the 12 member states of the Security Council (UNSC) United ...

Pakistan and Israel Threatened Because of Nuclear War Fake News

Pakistan and Israel engaged threatened nuclear war because of false rumors that call Tel Aviv would launch a nuclear attack to Islamabad if ...

This is the reason ISIS Not Jihad Against Israel in Palestine

The group Islamic State (ISIS) to uncover the reasons why they do not ber- "jihad" in Palestine against Israel. According to ISIS,...

Weak Right Side Defence Indonesia Cause Failed Champion

The struggle of the Indonesian national team in the AFF Suzuki Cup 2016 ended wrenching. Had performed heroics to win 2-1 after trailing adv...

Stories of an English mother who secretly become sex workers

Research in the UK shows that women working as sex workers, the amount is significant. What would happen as prostitutes while raising a chi...

The heat wave in India continues to swallow the victim

The heat wave that hit India does not go showing no signs of abating and about 1,100 people have died, according to local officials. Th...

History Telolet Sudden Flood Instagram Obama

The joy of children when they heard the tone sequence of inter-city bus horn between provinces, now international. Jargon "Om Telolet o...

TKI Origin Kupang Died While Working at the Malaysian Palm Gardens

The sad news of migrant workers in the neighboring country, back to sound. Sepriana Tattoos, Takari Village residents, District Takari, Kupa...

Because menstruation, girls Nepal's Exiled and finally killed

Nepal Police investigating the death of 15 year old girl. Previously, victims were relegated to poorly ventilated barn because she was menst...

Findings 'Magical' Fishermen Russia: Terrible Sea Creatures

There are still many unknowns about the man in the deep sea secrets. Not only the landscape, but the creatures occupants also continues to ...
Template By Kunci Dunia
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